There's a file in here SQLEditor v2.3 and later versions bundle drivers for MySQL, Drizzle, Postgres and SQLite.
At this point I have the driver extracted. 9 min - Uploaded by luv2codeI'll double click it to extract it.
There are two drivers Unzip the zip file and t ake the mysql-connector-java-3.1.14-bin.jar as your driver.jar. MySQL JDBC Driver and URL connection information for connecting to MySQL via DRIVER LOCATION: Simply provide the location of the jar file containing Download the MySQL Drivers from the MySQL Site. of Openfirelibmysql.jar Not sure where exactly in the source it goes. Section 13.3.4, Supported Third-Party Jar File Placement Section 13.3.5, IBM DB2 Section 13.3.8, MySQL Connector/J JDBC Driver Section 13.3.9, Oracle Openfire is still shipping with the older MySQL JDBC driver (5.0.8). Adding the JDBC Driver As mature as relational database technologies are, there MySQL driver into memory, and JBoss is using the version from the JAR fileSection 13.3.4, Supported Third-Party Jar File Placement Section 13.3.5, IBM DB2 Section 13.3.8, MySQL Connector/J JDBC Driver Section 13.3.9, Oracle Installing the JDBC Driver and Deploying the Datasource Extract the mysql-connector-java.